Deputies Of The Regional Parliament Wrote A Large Ethnographic Dictation

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Депутаты регионального парламента написали большой этнографический диктант
Депутаты регионального парламента написали большой этнографический диктант from

Deputies of the regional parliament wrote a large ethnographic dictation

History and traditions of our multinational country

Deputies of the regional parliament wrote a large ethnographic dictation. The action took place on November 3, on the Day of National Unity. The dictation was organized by the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs. The deputies were offered 30 questions on the history, culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia.

As the head of the regional parliament noted, the deputies showed good results. This suggests that they are well aware of the history and traditions of their multinational country.

Questions of the dictation

The dictation consisted of 30 questions, divided into three parts:

The deputies managed to answer correctly to most of the questions. They showed good knowledge of the history and traditions of their country.

Results of the dictation

The results of the dictation showed that the deputies have a good knowledge of the history and traditions of their country. This suggests that they are well aware of the multinational composition of Russia and its cultural diversity.

The dictation was a good opportunity for the deputies to test their knowledge of the history and traditions of their country. The deputies showed good results, which suggests that they are well aware of the multinational composition of Russia and its cultural diversity.